Wed 10 Jun 2020 14:06

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Adam Dawson is a Barrister and key leader in the Jewish community.

Originally growing up in Sheffield, Adam was a former chair of UJS, vice chair of the London Jewish Forum and member of the Board of Deputies. He then went on to found, and continued as Chair of Governors for, the first ‘Free School’ in the UK, Etz Chaim Jewish Primary School.

Already a Trustee of Jewish Care, last summer Adam Dawson replaced Doug Kirkler as the Chair of Jami, the community’s pioneering mental health charity.

Adam’s career as a barrister has focused on personal injury and clinical negligence, and worked on cases that demonstrate the impact of mental health and wellbeing on rehabilitation.

Balancing running the first Barrister-led law firm in the UK, proud father of three and a crucial leader of the community, we are so happy that he managed to fit us in to his schedule. Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome tonight’s very special guest, Adam Dawson.

For over 125 years, young Jewish people have been discovering just how brilliant they can be and how they can make the world a better place through JLGB. Whether you're 8 or 18, whatever you want to be, join in and be your best self with us! 

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