Mon 05 Sep 2022 08:43

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Youth volunteering: more charities add opportunities to evolve platform


JLGB are thrilled to announce that 35 more charities added opportunities to the evolve youth volunteering & skills initiative, enabling young people to take part in meaningful and impactful volunteering opportunities and skills development programmes.

Created in 2014, thanks to funding from the Wohl Foundation, evolve is a revolutionary, community-wide collective impact project that brings together young people, and key stakeholders (including parents, teachers, charities, faith leaders, national award bodies), driven by a state-of-the-art digital platform that provides training and social action opportunities, awards and qualifications in a fully trusted faith and culturally sensitive way.

evolve enables and equips young people to build their character by fully engaging them in meaningful social action to become active citizens in their community and enhance their employability and transferable skills. The building of both assets and character is uniquely tracked through the evolve platform, logging their progress and achievements in one place, forming a ‘digital passport’ that can be carried forward and used in later life, enhancing their future aspirations, employability potential and social mobility.

The project focusses on youth social action programmes for those aged 14 and under and will upgrade the evolve age-progressive social action journey specifically designed to reach young people from faith and minority backgrounds, whom without JLGB would not engage in everyday achievement awards wider society takes for granted, such as the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. This project also saw the creation of a new Primary School Social Action Award, called The Chief Rabbi's Kindness Challenge, aimed at children in school years 5 - 6, the first step on the evolve volunteering journey.


What is the evolve youth volunteering & skills initiative?

evolve is JLGB’s response to the ever-changing needs of young volunteers. For the first time, evolve brings together all key stakeholders from across the society to ensure that social action becomes more accessible and more rewarding for Jewish young people than ever before. evolve creates a coherent, age progressive and streamlined framework for volunteering and accredited training that embraces all Jewish young people to enable and equip them to fully engage in meaningful training, volunteering and citizenship throughout their school years and onto student life.

evolve removes barriers by creating a coherent, age-progressive and streamlined framework for volunteering and accredited training that embraces all Jewish young people to enable and equip them to fully engage in meaningful training, volunteering and citizenship throughout their school years and onto student life.

The backbone of evolve is a digital platform that streamlines the way young people can be matched to placements and record their volunteer experience. evolve is unique because it aligns volunteering and social action projects to national awards such as the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, vinspired, Yoni Jesner Award, Open College Network accreditation, NCS and the creation of the new Chief Rabbi's Kindness Challenge, creating an age-progressive journey for young people to fully access the rewards and recognition they deserve.

Through vocational qualifications, transferable skills and an asset-building approach, evolve aims to help young people achieve increased recognition for their contributions, support them to make a positive difference in their community and help them to increase their employment potential and career decision choices. This is key to increased social mobility among young people, in particular those from hard to reach communities that universal services fail to engage.


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About JLGB

The JLGB strives to help develop a society that values Jewish young people and their contributions to their local and wider communities. JLGB aims to make every effort to train, develop and support Jewish young people through their transition from young person to adult to become active citizens in society. JLGB offers essential life skills and experiences to help young Jewish people transition from empowered youth to engaged young adult. JLGB believe in young people not only as leaders of tomorrow, but as a powerful force for positive change in society today. By removing faith barriers to participation in a fun, flexible yet safe, structured environment, JLGB ensures and enables each Jewish person to reach their future potential. 

For more information on JLGB Camps, weekly groups and awards, visit, email or call 020 8989 8990. 



For over 125 years, young Jewish people have been discovering just how brilliant they can be and how they can make the world a better place through JLGB. Whether you're 8 or 18, whatever you want to be, join in and be your best self with us! 

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