Tue 21 Jul 2020 18:12

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Lady Gilda Levy, is an activist, philanthropist, Co-Founder of the Women’s Interfaith Network, and, of course, the beloved wife of JLGB’s President Lord Levy.

Born Gilda Altbach in post-war London, Gilda is the child of refugees from Vienna, fleeing from Nazi Europe. By 1968, Lady Levy had already met and married a young Michael Levy and had given birth to their first child, Daniel, who would go on to work for the Israeli government. Passionately involved in a range of causes that defined the 60s across the world, Lady Levy continued her campaigning throughout her husband’s rise in the music industry, and the birth of her second child, Juliet – a former JLGB member herself!

Famously, in 2003, Lady Levy went for lunch with Pinky Lilani CBE, and after discussing the rise in Islamophobia due to the fallout from 9/11, saw that despite their cultural differences, the two could bond and understand each other on a human level. Thus the Women’s Interfaith Network, now in its 17th year, was formed, an umbrella organisation dedicated to supporting women’s groups, from different religions and backgrounds, to form bridges and organise events where women can socialise and have meaningful cross-cultural conversations.

In a rare public appearance in the spotlight, we are so pleased that Gilda agreed to be interviewed this evening. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome our very special and honoured guest, Lady Gilda Levy!

For over 125 years, young Jewish people have been discovering just how brilliant they can be and how they can make the world a better place through JLGB. Whether you're 8 or 18, whatever you want to be, join in and be your best self with us! 

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