Adam Shelley

Name: Adam Shelley

Age: 37

Occupation: Accountant

What does ‘doing your bit’ mean to you?

Personally, ‘doing my bit’ is playing a coordinating role across Hertfordshire, managing all the local volunteers. ‘Doing my bit’ is about inspiring and motivating fellow leaders and the young people we support to become the very best they can be. It’s contributing to the community and giving back to an organisation that gave me so much, in terms of leadership skills and personal development. ‘Doing my bit’ gives me a great deal of satisfaction.

What have you gained from JLGB?

I have gained tremendous pride in contributing to the development and success of young leaders and young people. And I’ve gained the knowledge that I’m part of a growing organisation that’s continuing to make a massive difference in the Jewish community. There’s also the career advantages that JLGB leadership and skills training gives you and, on another level, there are the social opportunities: from making lifelong friends to meeting your life partner.

Why should others volunteer?

Because your talents and skills can help the next generation to succeed. JLGB has many roles that adult volunteers can fulfil to help grow and inspire the most amazing youngsters in our community to be phenomenal. The team spirit you experience amongst adult volunteers epitomises the JLGB family. It provides experiences and a quality of life that’s not easy to find in our society these days.

What You Can Do

When you volunteer as an adult leader for JLGB you’re doing more than giving your time. Whatever role you take, you’re doing something really positive to give the next generation the benefit of all your experience.

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What You Can Gain

Volunteering as an adult leader for JLGB gives you back more than you’d expect. We’ll train you to use your own talents and skills, giving you some real responsibility.

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Our Volunteers

Our volunteers are people just like you, who care about our society and want to do something that makes a difference towards a better future. Whatever your age, skills or talents, every single volunteer is special to us and a vital part of the JLGB family.

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How To Become A Volunteer

We’ve been supporting our adult leaders for over 120 years, so we know how to provide you with everything you need to volunteer successfully. You’ll find we like to keep things simple, so we make the process of applying to volunteer as easy as possible.

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